Digital Media Artist

The exhibition I was in at Gallery 10, Ballarat, has now closed. But some works are still available through the Gallery.
Contact details:
Gallery 10
10 Bridge Mall, Ballarat

I am not a photographer, but in the past I have participated in the Open Program (open to a broad range of exhibitors, very different from the Core Program) of the Ballarat International Foto Biennale (BIFB). As a consequence I was asked if I would be interested in donating a couple of photographs, to be offered for sale to realise money for the BIFB. I was pleased that my submissions were accepted.
The BIFB had a second iteration of their fundraiser, this time in Melbourne, at the RACV Club in Bourke St. The process was that people who were interested in obtaining a photograph paid a set fee. Then names were called out in random order, and the person could choose their favourite photograph, among those that hadn't already gone (there was only one copy of each photo). I was surprised and pleased that both of my photographs were chosen, and for one of them, apparently several people wanted it.
Both photographs were black-and-white photos of buildings in Ballarat, under the working title "Asymmetrical Ballarat". I don't exactly see a new career here, but I am encouraged to enter for the Open Program of the 2025 Biennale.